Hey Parents
This Part Is For You
Between school, homework, sports, play-dates, and your own social life, it may feel like there's no time for healthy eating. And when you do finally have time to eat, it's undoubtedly tempting to go the quick route and swing by a drive-thru to grab a burger and fries, or run to a vending machine for potato chips and a soda. While there is nothing wrong with convenience, these foods generally are high in unhealthy fats and sugar, and low in protein, fiber and other key nutrients.
Having a healthy snack handy will help avoid this extra stop in an already busy day. In fact, if you have a hectic schedule (which really, what parent doesn't?) it's even more important to eat healthy foods that give you the fuel you need to keep going for all of your kids' grand adventures.

But I have a picky eater...
I know what you're thinking - How can I get my kids to want healthy snacks when they're a picky eater? You're not alone. More than 65% of parents report that at least one of their kids is a picky eater.
The promotion of healthy eating habits and especially vegetable consumption in children is considered of high importance as many children fail to meet the recommendations.
Incorporating children in the kitchen with meal and snack preparation may help improve both dietary intake, as well as the atmosphere during family meals.
Including kids in snack planning and preparation increases their knowledge of foods, as well as their likeliness of trying foods since they get a feeling of ownership and pride when they are part of the production.
The more exposure children get to a variety of foods, the more likely they are to try it and incorporate healthy snacking and cooking later in life.
What Task Can I Assign My Child?
Washing fruits and vegetables
Pouring and mixing ingredients into bowls
Sprinkling cheese and spices
Slicing and mashing soft foods
Spreading ingredients
Setting the table
Kids of all ages can help clean up the kitchen by wiping counters and spills, putting dishes in the sink, and putting away ingredients